It’s time for children to head back to school. While some children are bummed about returning to the classroom, other kids look forward to going back to school. In either event, one thing is for certain: new learning will take place. During this time of the year, kids shouldn’t be the only ones being educated. In fact, many drivers need a lesson on school zone safety and a reminder about pedestrian safety.
Unfortunately, every year children are injured and even killed in pedestrian accidents near schools and school crossings. Because many drivers speed, drive while distracted, and fail to look out for small children, innocent kids often suffer the consequences of drivers’ negligent actions.
Timely Reminders
To acknowledge August as National Back-to-School Safety Month, Nickelsporn & Lundin, P.C., would like to provide drivers with some safety tips in order to reduce school zone pedestrian accidents. It’s easy to fall out of the habit of watching out for young pedestrians when school isn’t in session. We want to remind all drivers to keep these rules in mind:
- Slow down and drive the posted speed limit in school zones.
- Don’t text or talk on a cell phone while driving.
- Don’t eat or drink and drive.
- Be alert and obey traffic signs.
- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
Although drivers are the ones who need to be reminded of how to drive safely near school zones, parents can also do their part in helping keep their children safe. Because many children walk to school, parents can remind their kids of the following things in order to reduce their chances of being hit by cars, such as:
- Never run out into the street.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
- Cross the street in a crosswalk, and preferably with a school crossing guard.
- Walk with an adult whenever possible.
In order to help keep children safe this 2015-2016 school year, please share this blog with those you know by clicking on your favorite social networking button on the screen.