Judy Freeman is a Nurse Consultant with the firm. She is a licensed Registered Nurse and an attorney in good standing in Maryland. Her primary work is to evaluate the medical aspect of cases and help advise and guide clients on getting appropriate medical care to return to full health following an accident. Judy stays current on the latest developments in nursing, health, fitness and nutrition and is a consistent and reliable source for medical guidance.
Professional Experience
Judy has 17 years of experience in personal injury claims with the firm, having handled all aspects of cases, from intake to settlement to arbitration or litigation. She is an instrumental member of the team assigned to each client’s case, as she provides medical guidance where appropriate during the course of treatment and evaluates the medical evidence prior to settlement negotiations or litigation. Judy also helps clients organize their medical history for second medical opinions or for responses to questions posed by the insurance company. Judy handles many of the initial consultations for auto accident and medical malpractice cases. If you call, you may want to ask for her, because with her medical and legal knowledge, you’ll be in good hands and you’ll benefit from her careful attention to the details of your situation.
Personal Biography
Judy grew up in the metro Washington, D.C. area and attended local schools. She has Bachelor of Science degrees in nursing and zoology and a law degree, all of which she earned at the University of Maryland. She resides in Anne Arundel County near the water.
Interesting Fact About Judy
Judy has unmatched compassion for animals, especially those that are injured, and she is a member of the Animal Law Section of the Maryland State Bar. Judy has a passion to promote and protect the environment, as well as personal health, fitness and nutrition. On her off time, she enjoys many outdoor activities, including kayaking on the Chesapeake tributary waterways near her home. She also enjoys caring for and spending time with her pets.