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Motorcycle accidents continue to claim thousands of lives each year. Motorcyclists are more likely to ride drunk or speed and much more likely to end up in a fatal crash than occupants of other vehicles. It’s enough to make you pause and wonder what you can do to keep yourself from becoming the next fatality statistic.
In fact, you can keep yourself safe from a Maryland motorcycle accident in four simple ways:
- Wear a Helmet
Not surprisingly, motorcycle accidents frequently end in death when the rider fails to wear a helmet. In fact, head injury is the leading cause of motorcycle deaths in Maryland and nationwide. You may not be able to prevent an accident entirely, but wearing a helmet could very well prevent that accident from ending in death. - Slow Down
Speeding is involved in nearly one-third of all motorcycle accidents that result in death. Specifically, in motorcycle accident deaths where no other vehicles are involved, investigators estimate that the rider was speeding about half the time. - Stay Sober
Despite numerous campaigns against drunk driving, a high number of drivers continue to ignore their own safety and climb behind the wheel drunk. The same is true for motorcycle riders. Nearly 30 percent of motorcycle deaths involve a drunk driver; that number increases to 40 percent in a Maryland motorcycle accident where no other vehicles are involved. - Watch Others
About half of all motorcycle accident deaths in the US involve another vehicle, usually a passenger vehicle. More often than not, these types of crashes are due to the passenger car failing to spot the motorcyclist or misjudging the rider’s distance. Keeping a close eye out for other vehicles on the road and practicing defensive driving may protect you from a serious Maryland motorcycle crash.
If you or someone you love has been the victim of a Maryland motorcycle accident that was caused by someone else, you deserve compensation. Call a skilled Maryland motorcycle crash lawyer at 800-875-9700 for a free consultation to determine your next step.