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After waiting for two hours at Holy Cross to get your third ultrasound, you’re finally on your way back home. To save time, you decide to take the Beltway, completely forgetting that it was near rush hour. As you attempt to merge, the car behind you decides you’re taking too long and suddenly swerves out from behind you, cutting you off on the on-ramp. You slam on your brakes and swerve off the ramp to avoid a collision.
Once you catch your breath, and attempt to get back on the ramp, you feel your baby violently kicking you in the ribs. You try to make it home as quickly as possible to see if your belt caused any bruising and call your obstetrician about possible problems.
Did the braking cause your baby harm? Should you be taking extra precautions while driving now that you’re in your second trimester?
Safety Tips to Protect Your Baby Bump
Protecting your unborn child is a 24-hour a day job, lasting nearly 270 days, so any help you can get is appreciated. Don’t allow your baby to be needlessly hurt or injured as a result of something you could have easily prevented, or at least protected against.
- Be chauffeured. If possible, avoid driving. Ask others to drive for you to prevent distractions and errors.
- When you must drive, be careful. Studies have shown that expectant mothers tend to drive more carefully in the third trimester than in the beginning two trimesters. If you want to protect yourself and your child—no matter how far along you are—make sure you’re driving safely.
- Avoid expressways and highways whenever possible. Higher speeds can create higher risks.
- Wear your seat belt below the stomach. This keep the strap from pushing on your baby.
- Move seats as far back as possible. Provide at least 10 inches between the steering wheel and your belly.
- If an accident occurs, seek medical attention immediately. Even if your injuries don’t appear to be severe, seek medical care.
- Contact an experienced car accident lawyer. A lawyer can help give advice about possible fetal injuries and treatment compensation.
Follow these guidelines every time you get into the car and be aware of the possible risks when you and your baby get behind the wheel. Your baby can’t protect himself, he’s relying on you to do it for him.
Have you already been in an accident and fear that your injuries may have caused damage to your unborn child? Contact us today for a free consultation and review of your case. Our experience and knowledge will help give you the confidence to pursue an injury claim and get the compensation you and your baby deserve. Call now!
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