You were driving down the Capital Beltway on your way to catch a show at the Fillmore when you saw flashing lights in your rearview. Unsure of why a police officer was pulling you over, you slowed down and made your way to the shoulder of the road.
The officer parked behind you and walked up to your window. As he was asking for the customary license and registration, you heard a loud crash. Suddenly, your car lurched forward because a car collided with you, and the police officer was thrust into the road as a result. Thankfully, he was able to move out of the way before a vehicle collided with him—but you were left with serious injuries.
The Move Over Law Can Keep Drivers and Emergency Personnel Safe
Unfortunately, crashes on the shoulder of the road occur all too often, and many are injured as a result. In an effort to reduce these tragic accidents, Maryland has implemented a Move Over Law that requires motorists to move over to an adjacent lane away from the shoulder if emergency personnel is spotted there. The emergency personnel that are protected in this law include:
- Vehicles used for federal, local, or state law enforcement agencies
- State vehicles used for response to oil or hazardous material spills
- Ambulances
- Vehicles for rescue squads, volunteer fire companies, fire departments, the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, and the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
- State vehicles designated for emergency use by the Commissioner of Correction
- Special vehicles funded or provided by the state, federal, or local government and used for rescue or emergency services in Maryland
Car Accident Victims Have Rights
If you are the victim of an accident, you may be entitled to receive financial compensation. The attorneys of Nicklesporn and Lundin want to help. Contact us today to find out how.
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