Prescription drug use is a top cause of truck accidents in Maryland. Just because a driver has a prescription does not mean that he or she is safe to drive on that medication. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has an extensive list of medications that commercial drivers should not use. The list includes several medications under the following categories:
This group of drug affects the central nervous system. They are often prescribed as painkillers because they keep pain messages from getting to the brain and induce a sense of euphoria. Morphine, codeine and heroin are common examples.
Opium Derivatives
Though not directly derived from opium, these drugs are closely related and therefore have many of the same uses and reactions. Vicodin, for example, is derived from morphine and is therefore an opium derivative.
Hallucinogenic Substances
As the name implies, hallucinogens affect a person’s mental processes, causing confusion, changes in perception and distortion of reality. LSD is a common example—nearly all are illegal.
Typically prescribed to reduce anxiety or alleviate insomnia, depressants slow down the central nervous system and are therefore referred to as “downers.” Alcohol is considered a depressant, as is Valium.
The opposite of depressants, stimulants are called “uppers” because they speed up the central nervous system. The potency varies greatly from mild caffeine to illegal cocaine. Stimulants can be used in a variety of ways, such as to treat ADHD, promote weight loss or help a person stop smoking.
If you think the driver who caused your truck accident was on a prescription drug that affected his or her ability to drive safely, then you should talk to an experienced Maryland truck crash lawyer who can help you recoup damages. To set up a free initial consultation, call Nickelsporn and Lundin at 800-875-9700.
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