Kevin Coffay, 20, was the driver on the fateful night of May 15, 2011. With him were four passengers, all of whom had attended Magruder High School.
As Coffay rounded a dangerous curve on Olney-Laytonsville Road, he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree. The accident killed 20-year-old John Hoover and 18-year-olds Spencer Datt and Haeley McGuire; it also injured Charles Nardella, 19.
Nardella testified that Coffay had been drinking that night and that the others in the car had asked him to slow down. Coffay fled the scene of the accident. When police caught him three hours later, his blood alcohol level was double the legal limit.
Coffay pleaded guilty to three counts of vehicular manslaughter in November and has been out on bond. Judge Theresa M. Adams suspended 20 years of a 40-year sentence and ordered Coffay to complete 5 years of probation following 20 years in prison.
The Rockville accident attorneys at Nickelsporn & Lundin send our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in last May’s auto accident.
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