“Start seeing motorcycles!”
The message on the little yellow sticker from the car in front of you is simple, but demanding.
“What’s the fuss?” you wonder. After all, shouldn’t you be paying attention to all the traffic on the road, and not just motorcycles? Why is there such an emphasis on seeing motorcycles?
The answer is simple: Motorcycles are small, and therefore are easier to miss. In fact, the top two causes of Maryland motorcycle accidents are:
- Rider error on the part of the motorcyclist, and
- Another driver’s failure to see the motorcycle.
With summer in full swing, more motorcycles are on the road, and unfortunately, the number of serious motorcycle crashes in Maryland also is on the rise. In nearby Anne Arundel County alone, a series of five motorcycle wrecks occurred over a two-week span in early July.
When a rider simply loses control of the bike, he or she can end up with serious injuries. Add another vehicle into the crash mess, and the likelihood of injury, or death, is significantly higher.
A motorcyclist doesn’t stand a chance against a larger vehicle. That’s why it’s extremely important for drivers to take extra care in checking their blind spots for ALL traffic on the road.
You can help reduce the number of Maryland motorcycle injuries and fatalities by paying attention to your surroundings and driving with care. Here are a few tips:
- Always check your blind spots before switching lanes.
- Check for oncoming traffic before making a turn.
- Signal your turns.
- Make sure you have enough space to turn before cutting in front of another vehicle.
- Always give yourself plenty of stopping time. Never follow a motorcycle (or other vehicle) too closely.
If you or a loved one is the victim of a serious motorcycle wreck, talk to the experienced Maryland motorcycle accident attorneys of Nickelsporn and Lundin at 1-800-875-9700.
Meanwhile, heed the warning on those little yellow stickers, and together we can make the roads safer for everyone.