Richard S. Lundin
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Personal injury and family law attorney licensed to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia
Following an car wreck, you may be feeling pain and discomfort.  It's important to see a doctor immediately.
And here are four reasons you should take time off from work if you suffer whiplash or other strains/sprains in a car crash:  R.I.C.E.
R.I.C.E. stands for the way you can care for muscle and tendon sprains and strains, including whiplash, to reduce pain and swelling and increase healing and flexibility in the first 3 days after the accident.
  • Rest.  Rest is a key to helping your body heal.  Take a break from using injured part of your body.
  • Ice.  Apply ice during the first 2 to 3 days.  Don't apply it directly to the skin, but place a towel between the ice and the injured area.
  • Compress.  Apply an elastic bandage, like an ACE wrap, to compress the area, if that's possible.  But don't wrap it too tight.
  • Elevate.  While resting and applying ice, elevate the injured area about your heart to reduce swelling.
Some doctors suggest a slightly different protocol, especially after the first 72 hours, and you should always follow your doctor's orders for your specific injury.  
If your doctor recommends that you take time off and rest, by all means do that.  It will speed your recovery;  and if you don't, the insurance company may conclude that your weren't really that hurt.
We are dedicated to protecting and advancing your legal rights.  Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a FREE consultation about your rights.