At Nickelsporn & Lundin, we work on personal injury claims on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not have to come in with any money or pay any attorney fees up front. If we agree to take on your motorcycle accident case, all we’ll ask of you is to sign our contingency fee agreement so we can get started on representing you immediately—with no money exchanged.
By working with our attorneys on a contingency fee basis, it simply means that the legal fee for handling your case will be contingent on the result of the case. For example, if we aren’t successful in getting you a financial recovery, you owe us nothing for our work on your case. On the other hand, if we do get you a settlement or successful jury verdict, our legal fees will come out of that financial recovery at the very end of the case. Legal fees range between 33.3% and 40%, depending on whether your case is settled, mediated, or litigated.
It is important for you to know that a contingency fee agreement is in your best interest because the attorney working on your case will want to get paid for his or her time and effort. By working with us in a contingency fee agreement, you can rest assured knowing that we are doing everything we can to win your case and get you a sizeable recovery.
If we are successful in winning your case, you will receive a log showing our legal fees and other costs our law firm has paid out on your behalf, such as court fees and other costs associated with an injury claim. To talk with us about hiring our firm to represent you in your motorcycle accident claim, or to learn more about contingency fee agreements, feel free to click the chat button to the left of the screen. We’d be happy to answer your questions in a free consultation.
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