That depends in part on where you are in the process of getting a divorce. Are you simply thinking about a divorce and want to know what your options are? Are you already separated? Are you ready to file for divorce and need to know how to get started? Are you already in the midst of messy divorce proceedings and want a little help negotiating the details?
Simply the fact that you are asking that question suggests that you may want to set up an appointment to further discuss your family situation and options. This does not obligate you to hiring an attorney or even pursuing the divorce.
If you or your spouse has expressed an interest in ending the marriage, then it’s a good idea to consult with a Maryland divorce attorney to determine whether you want to continue with the divorce proceedings and if you need help with the details of finalizing a divorce.
You may need a lawyer if you are determined to go through with a divorce and:
- You have children
- You or your spouse has a sizable inheritance
- You or your spouse makes a considerable amount of money (especially if the other doesn’t)
- You or your spouse is contesting the divorce itself or the terms of the divorce
In particular, a Maryland divorce and custody battle that involves children or a considerable amount of money can get very heated and complicated. Your emotions can easily cloud your ability to make logical, sound decisions, which could hurt your final outcome.
It’s usually best to avoid handling such emotional decisions on your own. Instead, rely on an experienced Maryland family lawyer who can help you see through your emotions to negotiate the best decision for you and your family.
For a free consultation or information regarding our services, call Nickelsporn & Lundin at 800-875-9700.