Richard S. Lundin
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Personal injury and family law attorney licensed to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia

September 23rd was the official start of fall -- beautiful leaves, sweaters, pumpkin spice and cooler weather!  But the fall season also brings unique risks for drivers on the roadways.  Be on the lookout for these hazards and you may be able to avoid an auto accident this season.

  • Back-to-school traffic. Fall means back to school for kids, which means more cars and buses on the roads and more people walking to and from school and bus stops.
  • Rain.  The first rain after a dry spell is especially dangerous, as water pools on top of dust and oils on the roadway that hasn’t yet been washed away.
  • Leaves.  Fall leaves are beautiful, but on the roadways they obscure pavement markings and hide potholes, and wet leaves from rain can be as dangerous as ice.
  • Fog.  Cold mornings can lead to foggy conditions.  Don’t use your high beams because they can bounce of the fog and create glare.  Slow down and give yourself more stopping distance.
  • Frost.  Cold nights create frost on windshields and windows, decreasing visibility.  Morning frost and icy patches can also occur on the roadways.
  • Sun glare.  The sun is rising and setting at an angle in the fall that particularly creates glare on the roadways on is directly in the driver’s eyes or lady bird deed michigan reflecting in the rear-view mirror.  This can cause drivers to be “blinded” by the sun, making it hard to see pedestrians, vehicles and traffic lights.
  • Deer.  Fall is mating and migrating season for deer, causing them to be much more active.  Watch for darting deer, especially at dawn and dusk and during night driving.

And if you’re involved in an auto accident this season or in any season, be sure to call us first, before you speak with the insurance company.   The consultation is FREE, and you deserve to know your rights.


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