Think you’re safe to drive? Think again. You may be more drunk—and dangerous—than you realize.
Many drivers stopped for a potential DWI in Maryland are drunker than they think they are. In fact, they are often surprised to discover just how high their blood-alcohol content level is.
This is partly because everyone reacts differently to alcohol, so it’s hard to estimate exactly how high your BAC is without the aid of a breathalyzer.
One person may start exhibiting signs of being drunk after just one drink, even if his or her BAC level shows a low level of alcohol in the body. Another person may have a BAC twice the legal limit and only feel tipsy.
As a rule of thumb, experts suggest a person who hopes to drive after drinking stick to one drink per hour. Of course, this very general guide may not work for everyone.
The current drinking and driving limit of .08 is meant to discourage people from drinking once their cognitive abilities start becoming compromised.
However, the National Safety Transportation Board recently recommended that states lower the limit to .05 percent. This would deter people from driving before their visual perceptions start to become dulled.
Of course, the safest alternative is simply to not drink and drive at all. Whenever possible, you should designate a sober driver to avoid any potential Maryland drunk driving accidents.
If you or someone you love has already been the victim of a Maryland auto accident, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries.
To see how an experienced Maryland car crash lawyer can help you take back control of your life, contact Nickelsporn and Lundin at 800-875-9700 for a free consultation.