When it comes to fatal Maryland accidents, Prince George’s County is near the top, but that’s one statistic that county officials are trying to change.
The use of electronic gadgets is slowly helping the county shed that notorious reputation. Last year, the county unveiled 72 speed cameras. The cameras were an experiment intended to encourage drivers throughout the county to follow the speed limit—or suffer the consequences.
The program was so successful that the Prince George’s County Police Department has decided to take the next step. Over the next two years, red-light cameras will be installed at strategic locations, according to Police Maj. Robert Liberati, who is in charge of the traffic camera program.
The police department will be analyzing data to determine which intersections are at highest risk of accidents and are therefore the best spots to place the cameras. The first 25 cameras will be replacements of decade-old red-light cameras. The city will add forty additional cameras by the end of 2014.
While there has been some controversy over whether the cameras are simply an easy way to raise money, Liberati says most people who have discussed the program with him are in favor of the cameras.
The overall goal is that the cameras will encourage drivers to drive more safely, habits that will in turn cut down on the number of serious and fatal accidents throughout the county.
If you or someone you love has been the victim of a serious Maryland car accident, then you should speak to an experienced Maryland accident lawyer who can help you get compensation for your injuries. For a free consultation call Nickelsporn & Lundin at 800-875-9700, or fill out our online form.