Richard S. Lundin
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Personal injury and family law attorney licensed to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia
Did you know that it is estimated that drivers 65 years and older will make up one-fourth of the driving population by the year 2025?

It's also no secret that elderly drivers are at a higher risk of being injured in a Frederick accident.

You don't have to become a statistic. AARP offers regular defensive driving classes geared toward older drivers. Nicknamed "55 Alive," this AARP Safe Driving Program lasts about eight hours and can be taken at many community centers or even online.

Frequently, car insurance companies will reduce your insurance if you take the class. Locations and dates can be found online at

The defensive driving class gives age-appropriate suggestions on how to:
  • Avoid blind spots
  • Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles
  • Change lanes safely
  • Turn at a busy intersection
  • Eliminate distractions

It also discusses the effect of certain medications on driving skills and offers seasonal tips for defensive driving.

For example, summer tends to be warmer, so AARP suggests making sure you have a working air conditioner so that heat is not an issue. It also reminds drivers that with school out, more children are likely to be on sidewalks and more teens on the road at any given time during the day.
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